HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/1999AGENDA 'ITEM f -b JAN - 5 1999 IRWINDALE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 5050 NO. IRWINDALE AVE IRWINDALE, CA 91706 DECEMBER 1, 1999 The Irwindale Parks & Recreation Commission met in regular adjourned session at the above time and place. ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES TENNIS COURTS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR UP -DATE SHOWERS and LOCKERS. Present: Commissioners: Theresa Chico, Paula Fraijo, Belen Zepeda, Erlinda Duran and Chairman Dan Diaz. Also present: Co -Recreation Leaders: Dan Grijalva and Jackie Delgado, City Engineer Rod Posada and Secretary Arline Miranda. The minutes of November 3, 1999 were unanimously approved as presented. Motion: Commissioner Fraijo Second: Commissioner Duran Co -Leader Dan Grijalva in reply to Commissioner Fraijo's inquiry about the cracks on the tennis courts, told the Commission that he recalled speaking to a contractor approximately four years ago who was re -doing the repair to the tennis courts and he told Dan that the original contractor apparently when laying down the cement had not put enough mesh or screen under the cement and that's why it is cracked. Mr. Posada told the Commission that the color and placement of the scoreboard has been chosen and it should be ready in about three or four weeks. He wondered if the Commission might consider a ceremony after the installation. He said he thought it was going to be a nice addition to the softball field. The showers and lockers plans and specifications should be ready and processed by the County by the end of December. Construction might be started by the first of the year and be completed by the end of spring. Park & Recreation Minutes Page 2 December 1, 1999 PROPOSED PARK (NORA PARK) With regard to Nora Park staff has received a survey in preparation of the grading plan. There is a problem that is a concern and this problem has to be resolved before further progress is made. There is a resident residing next to the proposed park. This resident is contesting the park because he said there would be no exit from his home if the park is erected. The Council has been approached by this resident to purchase twelve feet to have an entrance to his home. Chairman Diaz said the Council denied this request. Mr. Posada said this is the information he has, but the Council will have to make the final decision. VOLLEYBALL COURT Mr. Posada apologized for being behind in the construction of the volleyball courts. HE explained that the City crew has been very busy with other duties. He assured the Commission that the drinking fountains had not been forgotten. INFIELD Commissioner Fraijo asked if the grass that has grown in the infield could be pulled and cleared off the infield. She also suggested some dirt be replaced where the sprinkler water had pooled. CO -LEADER'S REPORT Dan Grijalva gave his monthly report. DAN GRIJALVA An adult trip during November, to Santa Anita RaceTrack was enjoyed by all that attended. There wasn't anything planned or available for adults during the month of December, so there should be more monies for January's activities. For the month of December there will be youth trips to Disneyland the 21st ($15) the EI Capitan Theatre for a showing of Toy Story 2, December 28th. ($5 for adults, $3 for children). Park & Recreation Minutes Page December 1, 1999 ADULT BASKETBALL There are six teams in the league. Word of mouth has helped the program get off to a good start. It's a very competitive league. YOUTH FOOTBALL The football league is ending this Saturday. It's been a good year. The games have been exciting. Dan thanked the commission and all the volunteers. Their efforts have been outstanding and have been appreciated. YOUTH BASKETBALL The youth basketball starts in January. We're looking forward to that. Dan explained that because there wasn't enough participation, they lost the Karate program. JUDO Dan has had contact with a quality and enthusiastic instructor in Judo. His name is Tony Mohika. He was an Olympic assistant coach in the Barcelona Olympics. He has demonstrated his interest in the children rather than the monetary factor. It would be $20 to $25 for a six-week program, two times a week. He will publicize the program in December. CO -RECREATION LEADER Jackie discussed the up -coming car show, (JACKIE DELGADO) Sunday, December 5, 1999. She's excited about the enthusiasm and efforts Peter Cruz of the Techniques Car Club and his members have showed and are looking forward to a successful event Sunday. At the present time there are 41 cars that are pre -registered. There will be 9 non-food vendors who have pulled the required permits and have paid the fee of $50. They will also be provided with a table and two chairs. These vendors will provide and include face painting; novelty car products and car care products. The car registration the day of the event will be $25. Walk-in fee fee for the public will be $5. There will be two food vendors. A $75 fee will be charged plus a Health Department food permit will be required and the fee for that is $110. Park & Recreation Minutes Page 4 December 1, 1999 TEEN CLUB DONATIONS FOR TEEN CLUB DISNEYLAND TEEN CLUB ELECTION The public works department will be setting up the cones to cover the sprinklers for the "car hopping" exhibition area. The Public Works crew has donated their time to help set up the booths that will be used and set up the fence around the baseball field. The Teen Club has volunteered their help and have participated and assisted at the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners at the Senior Center. They have received much praise and appreciation for their efforts. Joshua Fraijo was declared an excellent server and received many favorable compliments on his help and demeanor. Commissioner Fraijo thanked Jackie for the BlockBusters Card given to the Teen Club in recognition of their help. Jackie said she tried to incorporate Community Service as part of the activities for the Teen Club. This time the volunteers were given a Towers Record certificate as a token of appreciation to the teens that did volunteer. The teens are always ready to help but as Jackie explained it's nice to give them recognition once in a while and show them how much they are appreciated. The Teen Club will be accepting donations of canned food and clean clothing to take down to the Mission in Los Angeles for the homeless families. The teens will have a trip to Disneyland December 22, at a cost of $15. Movies at Citywalk will be December 29th at a cost of $5. The teens are in the process of having an election for new officers, -- a new president, vice president, etc.. Park & Recreation Minutes Page 5 December 1, 1999 TINY TOTS FIELD TRIP A one-hour production of the 'Nutcracker' at Pasadena College, Thursday, December 16`", will be a good experience and nice exposure for these Tiny Tots to the theatre. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The program will be at 6 p.m. which will include the lighting of the tree. The Tiny Tots will sing as well as the Northview High School Choir. Jackie thought that perhaps the Mayor and the Chairman could light the tree. The Senior Citizens will be selling their crafts. The Tiny Tots will be in charge of the refreshments. The Tiny Tots parents are trying to raise funds to purchase a computer for the Tiny Tots program. Any activity or opportunity that comes up, Jackie is trying to let the parents participate in what they can in order to earn more funds. A free photo may be taken with Santa Claus with canned food brought as a donation for the baskets. COUNCILMAN ALMAZAN Commissioner Duran informed the Commission of Councilman Almazan's up- coming surgery Friday at City of Hope. Everyone will keep him in their prayers. Commissioners' Chico, Frai�o, and Zepeda. offered their help for the 16` . Dan asked the Commissioners for names of people that might be helped with baskets of food and toys during Christmas. These names will be given to the car club members. CAR SHOW The cars will be registered 6 a.m. to 9 a.m Jackie said she would need help parking cars. Commissioner Chico and Chairman Diaz volunteered to park the cars. Maja Carlson will also be helping as will the car club members. SECURITY Commissioner Fraijo asked about the security for the event. Jackie said she has coordinated with the Chief of Police and she Park & Recreation Minutes Page 6 December 1, 1999 said there would be approximately 25 members of the car club wearing STAFF shirts so they would be distinguished from other personnel . COMMISSIONER CHICO Commissioner Chico said she wanted to compliment Joshua Fraijo again. She was present at the Senior Citizens dinner and was amazed at how organized he was. She said he set a good example to the other kids. Commissioner Duran suggested a certificate of achievement, be given to the teens so they could use it in their resume' when they apply for college or a job. HIP HOP Commissioner Fraijo inquired about the Hip Hop classes. Jackie said they only had 10 participants, all young children. She will try to have the class again and will put a press release in the paper. CHAIRS FOR THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Commissioner Chico requested that more chairs be available for the Christmas Program. Jackie said since she would be having the program outdoors, there should be adequate seating as there are benches already out in the patio. A flyer will be going out to the community. The program will be December 16`" and will begin at 6 p.m.. Commissioner Fraijo said she would arrange to change the Library Meeting from the 16"' to January. SWIMMING POOL PUMPS Dan Grijalva explained to Commissioner Chico that the pool is left on automatic backwash and the pump does become loud with five big cylinders that operates it. BUS DRIVER Commissioner Fraijo asked if the City had a bus driver yet. Dan said the driver is still being trained. Park & Recreation Minutes December 1, 1999 AEROBICS Page 7 Commissioner Chico asked if the aerobic class is too crowded. Dan said the class is very popular. The gym might have to be cordoned off but with the basketball league coming up,that could cause a problem. Commissioner Chico said she would check the class out for herself. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Diaz adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m.. These minutes were approved at the January 5, 2000 meeting.